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If this recent FCC filing is any indication, it looks like AT&T won't have US exclusivity over the LG Optimus G Pro for much longer. The document points to a LG VS980 that's clearly headed for Verizon; it supports the carrier's LTE bands and the model number is in line with other Verizon LG smartphones like the LG Intuition (VS950). Seeing as the AT&T model is marked as the E980, our Magic 8 Ball says that all signs point to the VS980 being the Big Red version of the Optimus G Pro. So that'd make at least a couple of ways Americans can get their hands on the LG smartphone, which is two more than anyone in the UK.
Filed under: Mobile
Source: FCC
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New peace talks between Israel and Palestine have been announced. What excitement. Another mortar in Obama?s arsenal against Israel. Historically, the biggest obstacle for Palestinian leadership was an agreement to recognize Israel?s right to exist. That should be an easy one for any member of the human race, but not so with most Muslim countries or the people who call themselves Palestinians. Maybe this time Israel isn?t asking to recognized? Do you think Netanyahu and the Jewish people will accept that? Then there are the pre-1967 borders that our president boldly came forward and laid out for our only ally and the only Democracy in the Middle East, Israel. With those borders, it has been well-proven there is no defense for the Israeli people if those borders return. Return they will not, so what are these ?peace talks? other than a way to credit new Secretary of State John Kerry and face-building for Barack Obama? Let?s begin the conversation by saying that Israel?s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not his predecessor, Ehud Olmert.
Map of the 1949 Armistice lines:
Right now, if you are Liberal and reading this you need to be schooled in what Israel offered to do in the ?peace talks? of 2008, and as you read it, don?t ignore the part where Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says, ?I?m still waiting for Abbas to call? (May 24, 2013):?
The Tower May 24, 2013 interview with Ehud Olmert (much more to the story here):
Revealing never before heard details of talks with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Olmert was referring to the proposal for a peace agreement that he presented to Abbas in the afternoon hours of a Tuesday, September 16, 2008 meeting in the Prime Minister?s residence in Jerusalem?
OLMERT: ?In the last meeting I brought a big map, like the size of this whole table,? recalls Olmert. ?With colors for all the regions that go over to us and the reverse. We would receive 6.3%, they would get 5.8%, but they also get a safe passage in a tunnel between Gaza and the West Bank that was the equivalent in territory of the remaining half percent. Territories that were considered no-man?s-land before 1967 would be divided 50-50. Ariel would stay with us, and a network of tunnels would go under the Trans Samaria Highway to ease the passage of Palestinians in that area. Similarly for the areas of A-Zaim and Hizmeh, since I was insisting on E-1. There would be a tunnel that would enable Palestinians to have quick passage between Bethlehem and Ramallah, despite our control over the territory, and so their territorial contiguity would not be impaired.?
?At the same time, I gave Abbas territories in the Beit Sh?ean Valley, next to Tirat Zvi, not far from Afula, in the area of Lachish, in the area of Katna (next to Har Adar), the northern Judean desert and the area around the Gaza Strip. I completely gave up on having an Israeli presence in the Jordan Valley. That was because I could protect the line of the Jordan River through an international military force on the other side of the Jordan RIver. There was no opposition on the Palestinian side to our having a presence in warning stations along the mountain range.?
THE TOWER: But you essentially gave up on Israeli sovereignty on the Temple Mount?
OLMERT: ?Correct, I proposed a compromise on sovereignty over the Temple Mount. There would be no sovereignty for anyone else. There would be the joint administration of the five states.?
THE TOWER: Where did this idea come from?
OLMERT: ?It came from my head. I was thinking about it day and night. I grew up among the Beitar-ist movement [cultivating the land and Israeli communities]. It was a movement that didn?t see settlements as a means for achieving political ends. Many of the ?Likud Princes? think as I do, and their path is like mine. Salai and Dan Meridor for example.?
THE TOWER: So what did Abu Mazen say about that proposal? Did he accept your ideas?
OLMERT: ?[In the meeting] he didn?t say he opposed my idea. It was clear to me that he agreed. He said to me, ?Listen, it makes a very serious impression.? I said to him, ?Come on, let?s initial the map. In a day or two we?ll fly to the U.S. [for the annual UN General Assembly meetings which were taking place the following week] and convene the U.N. Security Council and tell them that it?s a peace deal between us. The whole Security Council will approve it, and then we will go the General Assembly and ask for a vote. About 190 out of the 193 states will vote for it, maybe except for Iran and Syria. After that we?ll convene a joint session of Congress and we?ll appear everywhere together. We?ll gather a summit of all the world?s leaders at the connecting point of the Holy Basin. They will all come.? He said to me again, ?It?s serious, it?s serious, but I have to be sure. I want the map experts from both sides to sit together because I?m not an expert. We called over Turjeman and Saeb, I said to Shalom that he should call Danny Tirza, our map expert, so they should sit together the next day.?
The Israeli map maker was never able to ?sit down? with the Palestinian map maker, because?on the map, Israel still existed. Deceit and deception are the drivers of Arab negotiations. In Olmert?s proposal, he also agreed to take-in 5,000 Palestinians over a 5-year period.
CAMERA Snapshots Blog July 17, 2013:
In other words, Olmert offered a territorial proposal based on the 1949 armistice lines ?often incorrectly referred to as the 1967 borders? with ?land swaps?, contiguity between Gaza and the West Bank, no Israeli military presence in the Jordan Valley, relinquishing Israeli sovereignty over the Temple Mount, and absorption of some Palestinian refugees. This amounts to basically meeting all of the demands Abbas claims he seeks in final status negotiations. And yet, what was his response to Olmert? Olmert says, ?I am still waiting for a phone call from him.?
Anyone notice: no one is talking about this.
Neither the Bush administration or the Obama administration was/is willing to speak plainly on the issue and put Palestine and it?s supporters on the edge of the abyss of no-statehood ? ever, and make it clear we are not deceived about Palestine?s only goal, to rid the Middle East of a Jewish nation. For more information on Israel?s border history, see this.
H/T Risch
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San Diego Mayor Bob Filner is about to face at least one sexual harassment lawsuit as a series of allegations against him roils City Hall.
A city employee will announce the lawsuit Monday, attorney Gloria Allred's office said.
The woman's identity was not immediately revealed.
Filner has denied sexual harassment claims, and said last week that he believes "a full presentation of the facts will vindicate me."
But he has also acknowledged, "I need help," and added, "I'm clearly doing something wrong."
"I am embarrassed to admit that I have failed to fully respect the women who work for me and with me, and that at times I have intimidated them," Filner said in a statement earlier this month. "It's a good thing that behavior that would have been tolerated in the past is being called out in this generation for what it is: inappropriate and wrong."
No alleged victims of sexual harassment have come forward publicly.
But former city councilwoman Donna Frye -- a Democrat, like Filner -- and two attorneys who say they represent accusers held a news conference announcing allegations against the mayor.
One of the attorneys, Marco Gonzalez, who represents an unidentified accuser, said last week that he intends to file a sexual harassment claim with the city and may also file civil lawsuits against San Diego.
Some of Filner's longtime backers are urging him to step down. But he has said he will not resign.
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Kerry Washington's wedding was "simple and sweet".
The 36-year-old actress married American football star and actor Nnamdi Asomugha in a quiet ceremony in Idaho last month.
News of the nuptials only broke on July 3.
A purported friend of the couple who attended the ceremony is now offering details about the elegant affair.
"Everything was held at one of Kerry's friend's houses," the insider told People magazine.
"They flew a few people out on this little private plane. The house was beautiful."
The ceremony was held outdoors, according to the source.
Loved ones stayed at the home afterward to continue celebrations with the bride and groom.
"It was small, just family and close friends. They said their own vows, people stayed at the house. It was really simple and sweet," the insider added.
Kerry's dress was reportedly very traditional.
The actress is said to have shunned her usual daring red carpet style in favour of something more "plain".
"The dress was plain white, slim-fitting, like it could have been off a rack. It was really regular," the insider added.
Kerry recently gushed to People about her feelings of joy following the wedding.
While she hasn't addressed the nuptials publicly, the Scandal star hinted at being over-the-moon with her personal life when asked about her recent Emmy nomination.
"I'm blessed. I'm really happy in all areas of my life," she said.
Kerry and Nnamdi reportedly dated for a year before exchanging vows.
It is her first marriage.
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Helen Dragas of the University of Virginia Board of Visitors sat down for an interview with The Washington Post in late June as she prepared to make the transition from leading the board to being a regular member. She also answered the following questions in writing: Read full article >> ? ? ? ? ...
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As other Canadian mayors suffer scandal, Naheed Nenshi is wildly popular in this western city.
By David Agren,?Contributor / July 5, 2013
Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi (r.) talks to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper after a news conference in Calgary, Alberta last month. Mr. Nenshi, the first Muslim elected mayor in a major North American city, was a ubiquitous presence during the recent June 2013 floods ? at media briefings, on Twitter, updating the status of city services, reminding Calgarians to stay safe and praising emergency workers.
Todd Korol/Reuters/File
EnlargeIn Canadian eyes, Calgary has not exactly been synonymous with cosmopolitanism.
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Located some 200 miles north of Montana, the western city has long been condescended to by eastern elites in metropolitan cities like Toronto and Montreal, who cringed at its cowboy heritage, oil corporations, and conservative politics.
But these days, with Toronto's mayor stumbling through scandal and the now ex-mayor of Montreal facing corruption charges, many in the east look with envy at the wildly popular Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi, a Harvard Kennedy School graduate, the first Muslim mayor of a major North American metropolis, and symbol of a city moving from cow-town stereotypes to something more cosmopolitan.
?Probably people who didn?t even vote for Mr. Nenshi love the idea that Toronto is now looking at Calgary covetously,? says Todd Hirsch, chief economist with ATB Financial in Calgary. ?We just can?t get enough of this.?
It's been a rough couple of months for Canadian mayors, at least in the press.
Last month, Montreal Mayor Michael Applebaum resigned after being charged with 14 counts of corruption-related counts, including fraud. And in May, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, no stranger to controversy himself, was the subject of headlines over his alleged appearance in a video supposedly smoking crack cocaine.
In contrast, Mayor Nenshi has been scandal-free and is wildly popular with his constituents ? recent polls put his support at over 70 percent. He tweets about food trucks and his new ?addiction,? Saskatoon berry perogies; meets and greets at the annual Folk Fest; and rides in the city's gay pride parade.
Nenshi was born in Toronto, but moved west at a young age. A former McKinsey & Company consultant, professor, and urban affairs columnist, he wasn?t supposed to win in the last mayoral election. He started at a mere 2 percent in the polls, but Nenshi ??prone to wearing purple and portraying himself as a policy wonk with a heart ? rallied young voters and made smart use of social media to rise in the polls to become the winner of a three-way race.?
He won fans fast for his frequent public appearances at community events, festivals, and farmers? markets, along with embodying the image of changing city and promoting a more consultative style of politics, says Keith Brownsey, a political science professor at Mount Royal University in Calgary. Alt-weekly FFWD summed up the adulation by naming the mayor its sexiest Calgarian, prompting the stout Nenshi to tweet,??In related news, eye doctor shortage!?
Under his direction, the city implemented a pilot project for food trucks. And Nenshi outlined a vision of the city growing upward instead of outward ? moving against the trend of subdivisions sprouting up at ever increasing distances from a downtown that turned dead in the evening.
The spotlight on Nenshi coincides with Calgary?s rapid expansion ? fueled over the past decade by a red-hot resource sector and the population racing past 1 million residents.?It also comes as the west?s clout in the Canadian confederation increases,?both economically and politically. As the magazine Toronto Life noted in a 2012 article comparing mayors, ?The centre of the universe? ? as some Canadians call the country?s biggest city ? ?seems to have shifted westward recently.?
Nenshi was put into the national spotlight again recently for his work during Calgary's flood, which required the evacuation of an estimated 75,000 residents.
His scorn for canoeists who set out on the city?s swollen rivers amid the danger even spurred a Twitter trending topic. Speaking of the canoeists, Neshi told reporters, ?I have a large number of nouns I could use to describe [them].?
But ?I am not allowed to use any of them,? he said ? spurring the creation of a #NenshiNouns hashtag, where supporters could fill in the mayor's blanks.
And just last week he blasted Canadian Pacific Railway?? a company sharply cutting costs since last year ? after one of its bridges over the Bow River buckled and tanker cars carrying toxins were left teetering over one of the city's rivers. Although city repair crews were called in to handle the emergency, which put Calgary at risk, Nenshi pointed out that the railway refused to allow the city to inspect the bridge ? something he says must change.
Although it initially objected, the railway quickly backed down and reached out to Nenshi, preferring not pick a fight with the popular politician.
?Nenshi has been everywhere,? says Mr. Brownsey, who described the mayor?s crisis management as textbook. ?He was very forthright. There?s trouble: evacuate, we?ll do our best.?
His ubiquitousness even launched a second Twitter hashtag: #Nap4Neshi ??an admonishment for the mayor to break briefly after several all-day, all-night shifts. Some citizens imposed his face over Superman?s on Man of Steel posters in bus shelters, such was his stature.
Nenshi is not without his critics, despite his popularity.
Many of his proposals have fallen short, such as legalizing basement suites (a possible solution for housing shortages during a population boom) and having the provincial government give cities expanded revenue-generating authority. Property taxes have increased, conflicts with the city council have been common, and homebuilders have pushed back against anti-sprawl fees.
He was even the subject of a leaked secret video of his own. In April, a video recorded last November was released showing Calgary developers ? unhappy with his anti-sprawl agenda ??strategizing to stack the city council against him. Though the video showed nothing illegal, it did highlight the resentment Nenshi has fostered in some circles.
?He?s being attacked by big money,? says Bill Kaufmann, a reporter with the Calgary Sun, who describes Mr. Nenshi as sometimes being too sensitive to criticism.
The mayor?s increasing national profile after the flood may make such conflicts moot. Nenshi insists he?ll stay in municipal politics, but some observers say he could unseat one of the federal Conservative Party?s members of parliament in a city that tilts to the right, hasn?t elected a Liberal Party MP in decades, and is home to Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
The flood "has made him unassailable,? Brownsey says. ?He can now choose his political future.?
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